Oral health/hygiene is very important for optimum animal health and one of the major health concerns among our pets - particularly those seven years and older.
Signs of Dental Disease in Cats & Dogs:
Bad Breath
Facial swelling
Drooling or dropping food from the mouth
Changes in eating habits or behaviour or reluctance to eat
Red swollen inflamed gums
Pawing at mouth
Flicking back food when trying to chew
Sneezing, nasal discharge, or excessive salivation
We perform free dental health checks to help check their mouth is in need of a clean. We will discuss routine dental prophylaxis and hygiene, and if your pet’s teeth need more attention, we can provide a full range of dental services such as descaling and polishing teeth and other orthodontic procedures if required - all done under general anaesthetic in our hospital. Call or email one of our friendly staff to book or find out more information.